I see it; I like it, long to have it; it’s so nice, so spellbinding; wow…I am all out for it. It pulls me deeper and captivates me inside its mesmerizing beauty; smiling at me, teasing, and making me want it more and more. It is just everything I’ve been dreaming; it is just the kind of gift I’d wish my beloved could gift me – the one that would make me fall for it.
Far across the fence of my illusion, my self-realized circle of existence – the boundary that reminds me of the place I belong to – I see a glory so elevated that it instantly becomes my wish; not just a wish but a burning desire. I visualize a candle in my hand that tries to reach out for that
thing - to give it a light of my own device; to have my name engraved on it. It is my fantasy to have
But the harsh reality takes all the wonderful dreams away from me and wakes me up to another harsh realism – the one that reminds me of the fence. It is a thin slender line forbidden to be transgressed for it has been said that it provides me with security against contempt; and of course the toughest
word in the dictionary – discipline, is supposed to be injected into me if I keep myself from the other side. This line – The Fence – segregates
my possessions from my desired possessions.
And the pain that touches my soul cries out to the beast, of self-deception, absorbed in me; the request for happiness makes that devil too good an incarnated truism and propels it to provide me with a solace full of shine. The warmth provided to me says “It is just that the grass is greener on the other side. There is nothing to worry and this, so expected, greener grass is just a chimera between authority and slavery.”
I am so happy, contended and red with bliss on my cheeks. What a friend to have in disguise – the self-deception beast.
But yes, I am cheating myself and just trying to avoid the pity I might sense for not being able to have that
thing on my side. I know it is very much beyond my reach and it’s just to calm myself down that I say that the greener on the other side.
But why is it always that the grass is greener on the other side?
Is it what a true dream that can be described as? Is it a deception again cheating and questioning its own ability? Is it that we really need that
thing? Or is it just human to be that way? Well it can simply be anything but for me, when I kill the self-deception beast inside of me, the greener pasture is an offshoot of my jealousy. Now this may be a bit closer to bitterness of heart but it offers me with a convincing answer to that huge
I want that
thing, but I know I can’t. I see the
other person having it and there is nothing I can really do about it. I absolutely find no ways to bring it on my side, so I, just to cheer myself a little, term it as sour grapes (remember the story of the fox trying to grab a bunch a grapes from a climber). I am but jealous of that other
person’s possession and I am aware that if I openly accept it, it might be destructive for my esteem. So I find for it a softer and much more accepted explanation – “The grass is always greener on the other side”. (And maybe even the word green is by and large referred as the color of jealousy.)
I know I am wrong. I am simply finding ways to justify my inability to work for it and win it; I am putting my procrastinating nature in a much decorated envelope and presenting it to myself; I am rationalizing my weaknesses and timid qualities; I am validating my mediocre human nature to settle for the less. In a nut shell I am cheating my own good self.
But why is the grass greener on the other side than it is here?
Probably this is the reason why we humans are here today in this simplified life full of scientific advancement, and new knowledge that makes it more and more livable. Our longing for more in our life has created plenty of room for betterment; it have given us the desires to work harder; it has motivated us to believe in the impossible; it has shown us the beauty in fulfilling our dreams; it has just made us ask for even more than what life has to offer. And this of course, undoubtedly, is human nature; absolutely no question about that.
Visualizing greener pastures and trying to be there, makes us change our side of the fence into a better something; it gives us the extra punch required to make our own grass greener. With this I just mean to convey that it might be silly trying to cross the fence; it’d rather be more than good if we can simply work harder with more wisdom and virtue, to get our side far ahead of the other, in terms of fresh greenness i.e., the materialistic gains we often ask for.
But failing to understand that we can make our side better creates contempt and dissatisfaction. It seals away the meaning of our existence and forces us toward a dark path of emptiness. It is not for a human to lose his way out in this fashion - it is for him to keep trying and for that matter, winning – for winning is the only option and an act of losing is a crime.
We humans are born with desires, and we die with desires. The bell is always ringing but we seldom recognize its worth and complain of the irritating noise it creates. But this bell is the bell of opportunity – the much awaited knock on our door. All that is expected of a person of faith in himself, is to open the door to let that ringing opportunity in. Else, the only thing he can do is watch that glory go past him like a whisker in to the hands of his better counterpart in life, and later complain that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
It all starts with a choice we make and the option we stick to. Our principles and ethics determine the path we walk on, and the determination to stick on that path makes our journey a success with only one destination – the destination of an everlasting and pleasing eternity.
Now maybe this seems to be all but practical. But this is what is expected of us – converting theory and assumptions of high probability of precision, into action. What a life it would be if we can just work for everything we desire and get it. And this is possible only through the above said belief.
The grass on the other side is greener only for one reason – human nature to ask for more. And this is definitely the way it should be; it is good for our survival; not just survival but for a healthy living.
And no matter how bad or ugly the grass on our side is, it is our HOME.