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Saturday, April 29, 2006
My Perception of My Own Life

When I was pure and had no knowledge about the world I had taken birth into, I knew nothing about life. Then once I saw an egg. It was clean, white, smooth, shining, and beautiful. I took it into my hands and stared and observed it from every possible angle and side. I could easily understand how wonderful it was because it appeared simple. But as I wanted to be a rational person with reason-based thinking and actions, I wanted to know more about it. I pressed it as hard as I could and suddenly it cracked and all the stuff from inside it came out. It was white, transparent and yellow. It was sticky. It was very tough to understand what it really was. The outer part was so simple, but from inside it was complex.

This is how our life is – simple from outside and complex from inside.

The basic step towards understanding my life, the foremost requirement I had, was to be conscious and aware of myself. Consciousness is such an important thing – without it I would not even know that my life is reality and I am really living it. It makes me aware of myself.

I chose to be conscious. I decided to be conscious of what was happening around me and within me. I understood that some things are to be destroyed before they destroy us. I understood that I can be an end in myself. I understood that anyone not being conscious has decided to be irrational and has stopped behaving like a human being. I understood that he has decided to destroy himself.

I wanted to make myself more accountable for everything I do so I thought of having my understanding of myself and my rules defined for once. After serious thoughts I found out that there are three basic factors or premise of my life – religion, people and money. These are in the order of their importance to me and my soul.

God and Religion

Religion has to be unquestionably taken as the foremost need of man. To start with it fulfills the emotional needs of man and helps him gain control of his actions. A religion stands as the control center for his life and gives him the fundamentals for sustaining himself as a responsible human being accountable for his every exploit. Religion separates the civilized from the uncivilized. It raises man as a ‘social animal’ and specifies the objectives of his life along with the ways to attain them. Religion gives the path and also the direction to life.

The direction is not always chosen by man himself. It is forced onto him from his birth; by the community he has taken birth in. Even if the parents he is born to are on the misleading path, he finds no ways to change it.  He has no choice over this, and as long as he ceases to be rational and reasonable, he remains stuck in the same sets of beliefs and ideologies.

Religion as defined by Oxford Reference Dictionary is ‘A belief in and worship of a God or gods’ and, ‘a particular system of faith and worship’. As I have already stated, a man has nothing to do about the community he is born into, I continue it by saying that he has all the rights to correct himself. The foremost step for him is to take and initiative and it is only the right and necessary knowledge that can provide him with that step. And it’s not an easy idea to happen to him.

“Deaf, dumb and blind, they will not return (to the path). [Holy Qur’an 2:18]

“Seeing they see no; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.”
[Matthew 13:13]

“There maybe someone who sees the words and yet indeed do not see them; maybe another one who hears these words but indeed does not hear them.” [Rig-Veda 10:71:4]

Agnostics and atheists are people with no rational reasoning and they shall remain the same way as long as they decide to be. Every human born, has the necessity in his life for religion and he can turn into an agnostic or an atheist only when he has been taught with those misleads. The idea of the two cannot come into the intellect of a normal man unless he has been misled by some other man.

No atheist or agnostic groups have rules or moral codes of ethics for themselves. They may formulate their own concepts but seldom do they succeed with them with comprehensive objectivity or subjectivity. No matter what they believe in, or decide to believe in, they do understand the need for spirituality in their being. But they refuse to accept that it is their human nature embedded into their soul that makes them want that spirituality and consequently a religion. It is the want of religion that makes them ask for spirituality.

It has been proven scientifically that God exists (1). It’s not only the books and people that speak about God but also the science. There isn’t more I need to clear on this as every atheist must belief in science regardless of his implicit beliefs.

And for those who believe in the Darwin’s Theory – I invite them to explain me why it is still a theory. The past couldn’t do it; the present is not attempting to do it; the future won’t do it. Not because it can be unnecessary, but because they can’t do it.

I will move on further taking it for granted that I need not stress more on religion as the basic necessity of man.

Now, the question that arises next may well ask “what religion to be followed?” I leave that reasoning to readers with my trust in their rationality. But I will admonish to everybody that any belief in more than one God is an extreme show of absurdness and illogic understanding of visible facts and truths.

I wonder how one can explain the possible existence of more than one gods. If this is to be possible then I wonder how miserable my life would be as I may just not be able to please all of ‘them’. It’s not about me alone – the entire mankind, if agrees to multiple-gods, will find no peace. The whole idea of more than one gods is foolishness. I am thankful to God that He is ’one’. I can worship only Him and this reduces a lot of possible burden on me.

“If there were in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) about what they attribute to Him!” [Holy Qur’an 21:22]

“Ekam evaditiyam”
“He is one without a second”
  [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

“Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad”
It is a Hebrew quotation which means
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord”
[The Bible, Deut 6:4]

This being accepted by every Holy Scripture has really helped me with explaining how true the concept of one God is. Verily God is great.

Next: Who is our God? What is our God? What is He after all made of? Where does He come from? Did anyone create Him?

The answer to all these questions is short and precise. It is in fact an answer from God Himself.

The most concise definition of God says it all:

“Say: He is Allah, the one and only.”
“Allah, the eternal, absolute.”
“He begets not, nor is He begotten.”
“And there is none like unto Him”
[Holy Qur’an 112:1-4]

I take God as my only sustainer. I put Him above myself and above my parents. It is He who has given me the rules to live on and the Holy Qur’an is the book He has prescribed for me. Every act I commit, I try to keep it in accordance to this book and this makes me a responsible human. No matter where I go and what I do, I know what I belong to and what I am supposed have my foundation as. Any further rules I create for myself comply with those specified in this book and I intend never to break or bend them.

My God has taught me that the second, third and fourth priority of my life is my mother. The first being God himself; the next, fifth, is my father. Immediately I would like to get back to the point where I was discussing about the necessity of religion – my religion has asked me to have my mother on the top of the list; animals have no religion and so for those creatures, their mothers mean just a source of food and security till they are on their own. If religion had had not asked us to love our parents, we would have been similar in nature to these animals.

God is always with me – no matter what I do, and where I go. There is something, a quote, I remember reading sometime back – “It’s only when you turn towards God that you realize that He is already looking at you”.

In the Holy Qur’an, God has promised man for many rewards based on his conduct in his life. But as we all are slaves of His, we find no right to question what He does. He is our Lord, our Creator, and everything He does is His will and we are not supposed to question that in any form. He is free to keep those promises or do whatever He wants with them. But he is God, and God is God only when He remains committed to His promises. Subsequently, there is no question of showing concerns on what He has said. He is the final authority and what He says or has said is final.

Having said all this, there is one more point I would like to make – Belief is faith in action. So what I say is what I am supposed or expected to do, and that is the motivating factor of my life that propels me forward into the experience called life.

So, I highlight this once again – my source of energy is my God and everything I do and decide to do is in extreme inclinations to what my God has asked me for. I shall put everything I can in everyway feasible to keep myself surrendered to His will and be steadfast to the fundamentals. And every rule I plan for myself shall be based on these fundamentals. I repeat this again - every rule I plan for myself shall be based on these fundamentals.

People and Relationships

I must live for my own sake, neither sacrificing myself to others nor sacrificing others to myself; I must work for my rational self-interest, with the achievement of my own happiness as the highest moral purpose of my life. (2)

Yes I am selfish. By definition this means that I am more concerned with the things of my own interest. My selfishness can be stated as good or bad only on the basis of the goodness or badness of these things of my interest. These things are dependent on the values I have decided for myself and they are subsequently based on the goodness of these values. And these values are the productions of the moral code of ethics I have designed for myself in realization to the best of my rationality.

‘My things of interest’ – this can be a comprehensive and in-depth definition of the character I possess and the person I am. These things are objects for me and I have always tried to enumerate the codes of morality for these objects - guided by the rational thinking I may profoundly believe in, and the understandings and things that value to me. These things have been chosen by me based on my value judgments and my needs. My goals have come from my desires and desires from my selfishness. Henceforth, these things are a ramification and definition of my selfishness.

In the present context I am writing on, these things are people. People are objects for me and each of them for me has a code of morality based on my values. People here are things of interest to me and my selfishness revolves around them. The values I have chosen specify the priority I am going to give to these people.

I shall explain my selfishness with people starting with an example. I meet a person and I like a few things inside him. He immediately becomes a reflection of my values and I decide to be his friend. (It can also happen that he or I have helped each other in someway and we have become friends then depending on the ‘compatibility’.) I immediately define a code for him and he becomes an object for me. He is a thing of interest to me. As I am selfish I will do anything to be happy and my happiness lies in his. So consequently, I will do anything to keep him happy. His happiness is my goal and so is mine to me.

My selfishness states to me that: in no way am I going to hurt him because that will in return hurt me; I will always do things he likes so that he likes me in turn; I will always be good to him so that he too is good toward me. Now when it comes to helping him, what I do for him is not a help I am rendering to him but a help to myself. I will do the necessary to set things right for him so that I am happy. When it comes to sacrificing something from my side, it won’t be any form of sacrifice to my money or my own life – what I will do will simply be a show of my selfish so that I remain happy, and I am happy only when he is happy. When I am crossing a street with him, he is but just a code to me of a value I possess. So should anything happen to him, I shall get him through only because if I don’t do that I may end up hurting myself.

If I do something for him because I find it as his need, then I am not having integrity in my relationship with him. What I do for him should be directly for my personal happiness and benefit – free from all guilt and unknown nervousness.

Selfishness for me makes me live for myself: I live for the things of my interest. There are of the highest concern to me and I control the kind of concern I should have for them by myself.

People, after my religion, are of highest importance to me. I value each and every person I have in my life and each of them is a thing of interest to me. Any disturbance to their happiness is surely going to disturb my happiness. So I will do anything to please them, to make them happy, to keep them satisfied with their lives, and to let them practice their own free will. All this I do is for me directly. All this is defined as selfishness for me.

I am an object t myself – I won’t hurt myself, I won’t sacrifice myself for others (anything I do – even giving my life for my loved one – is for my own happiness and self-interest), I won’t destroy myself – I will do anything to keep myself happy. I have codes of morality for myself and they are again based on the values I have selected for myself in accordance with my rational thinking and religion.

My rational thinking also defines love for me. The foremost belief I substantiate is that love is an open word used to describe many abstractions and because of it’s openness it has been misinterpreted in various ways. Apart from love for God, I believe in only two other of its forms – love for those who are directly related (family) to us, and love for those who have nothing to do with the family we belong to.

There isn’t much to tell on the love for our relatives as there are no reservations and misgivings in it. But the second form – the love for ones with whom we have created self-defined relationships – is something to ponder about. My constructs for this love are: it is a complex obsession we have with the person and also the relationship we share, this obsession can be killed if necessary by rational and reasonable thinking if the circumstances do not permit us to continue with it, both persons need not feel the equal for each other, there is no real love if there is no integrity (if things like sacrifice and helping are involved) and implied selfishness, and finally it is just a state of mind based on the values again.

A man’s need, more than being loved, is to love someone. I may somehow manage myself to be fine if I am not loved by someone, but I may not remain happy if I am stopped from loving someone. As I have said that people are my need, it is only a validation of the fact that ‘to love’ is my need.

I believe that every person dead, alive or yet to be born, was, is and will be as important as the survival of the whole of mankind itself and is necessary for the existence of this world. Every life is precious and no other human has a right to take it away from him. Right to ones life is a birth right given to him and only him and no one can take it away from him. A man is free to practice his own will with the values he chooses and accepts them as his codes of morality. His society has no right over what he decides to choose and he himself is in ownership of the choices he has made. And this also implies that he is in full responsibility of his choice and every action he commits holds the right to ask him back for his commitment. Man’s actions are again a direct consequence of his values.

Every man should be respected and so his thoughts and ideas. Rejecting a person’s ideas is like stepping hard on his dignity, and this is a crime. Freedom of speech is a straight forward right a man is provided with and this must continue as long as he respects others and behaves only rationally and not absurdly.

So in all this framework I proudly say that I love my parents, my relatives, all my friends, my acquaintances and every person I meet in my life – also including those who just happen to pass by me when I am walking on a street. I should respect them and have them always as my top priorities and things of my interest. May be the words things and objects sound harsh, but they give me exact explanations for the finality I mean to convey.

Money and Power

Money can buy food but not appetite. Money can buy medicine but not health. Money can buy a bed but not sleep. Money can buy books but not knowledge. The list can be exhaustive.

If you are hungry, it is only money that can buy you food. If you are ill, it is only money that can buy you medicines. If you want to sleep, it is only money that can buy you a bed. If you want knowledge, it is only money that can buy you books. This list is not just exhaustive but also wise and honestly violent to the extent that it may describe the materialistic necessities of a man in his life. This list is naked and frank with the harshness I have always tried to understand.

If someone says money can’t buy happiness, let me say that they do not know how and where to shop for it. If someone says money can’t buy love, let me say that money gives a better bargain (3).

It is also said that those with lots of money are not happy. Well, I have personally met many of those kinds of people with lots of money but I don’t find them to be unhappy. If anyone thinks that money creates family problems, then may I ask them if there are no such problems in the families of the poor? In fact I find more problems threatening them.

There are several quotes available in the ‘market’ that try to defame money in general and the people with money in particular. But if the knowledge about the formulators of these quotes is acquired, it can be understood that these were people who had very less money and were just trying to pacify themselves by justifying their inabilities to have money with them. Now it is of not much concern to me if they were aware of what they were doing or not, but what matters to me is that I don’t want to end up being included into their mindless fraternity.

I understand the importance of money and I respect money and people who have money. But that doesn’t mean that I have less respects for those who don’t have it, it’s just that I have equal regards for them.

Though I do understand that money is not everything, I do understand much better that money is something, a lot more than just something. The importance of money can neither be understood by those who have it nor by those who don’t, but can only be understood by those who know what loss it can do if they don’t have it.

Having the knowledge that money means a lot to me, I trust the ways I have found for myself to be rational for me to get that money. I put money as a thing of my interest and the way I acquire should no doubt be a method of my interest too. I am in contradiction to any logic that states that I should work the way my society wants me and allows me to. It is a birth right for me to practice my free will and find my own ways to acquire it – of course rational and responsible.

I do not believe in having any form of careers in life and I also do not believe in preparing myself for the industry or the market. I am of the understanding that the industry and the market behave that way I perceive them to. All I need to do is tune myself to the hidden rules of business that are conducive in the formulation of new markets. Creation of new markets is the most logical and rational way of furthering life towards financial success. Rubbing ourselves against the existing feasibilities should just be the start of ones being in the market. The rest following this should be on my own and not on the career that may be enforced onto me.

I have found many people longing for jobs in multinational companies and it is not just simply a longing they have but a supreme goal of their life after the end of their education. The first mistake is that they pretend to end their education and the second is that they chose a career. The end of education they accept is an end to their growth. They may continue to learn newer technologies but they have here created a shell around them that stops them to expand in any other way but just the one in which have specialized in. They chose to build a career and that again is an incarceration of their abilities and values. They cannot grow out of their career.

I am of the opinion that there should be no such thing as a career in a rational man’s life if he desires true success to be his. He must be ready to forge himself into any direction and be prepared not just for the changes happening explicitly but also be ready to make explicit changes happen by himself. I believe in the creation of pipelines for the flow of money towards me by having multiple sources. A career limits this kind of possibility as it limits any scope beyond the specialization. Of course a start is always made with a single source and that may in some ways look like a career. But this has to change as soon as self-sustenance is met.

When I talk about markets, I believe in the capitalistic ideology and free markets. Any government has no right to regulate or control or restrict the growth of a business organization. Freedom is a term applicable not just for men but also for what they do, and any friction induced by any government is a crime against capitalism and man himself.

I believe in industrialization, modernization and globalization. For those who believe that these cramp the poor sections, let me explain the truth about it. Contrary to the understanding that introduction of machines reduces the need for labor, it is the introduction of machines that creates a need for extra labor. But here the labor required is not unskilled but skilled. So it is just a progress man has made that makes unskilled futile for the society.

When man created fire – he never ended; when man constructed a house out of stone – he never ended; when man invented the wheel – he never ended; when man used steel for building – he never ended. When man had no skill to make fire, he was unskilled; when he didn’t know the use of steel, he was unskilled. But he understood that it was necessary for him to learn the skill so that he could progress his life. When man started using a spoon to eat food, did anybody tell that is makes the hand useless and that the spoon should not be used? No, but instead, he learnt how to use the spoon with his own hands. Man has to come out of stagnation and learn to become skilled. It is similar to the survival of the fittest. If anyone thought how much loss of human labor the introduction of electronic computers could create, they can now see how much labor computers themselves have created; but for only the skilled labor.

Globalization asks for skills and helps only the deserving to make progress. If one thinks that it is a bane then it is logically obvious that he is stagnating himself. Plants grow to the size of a tree and once they have fully grown they stop developing and begin to die. Animals grow to there age of full development and stop learning how to survive; their end begins from here. But man has been provided with a mind to think and to reason. He is expected to be rational and logical with his values as the motivations for him. A man has to continue to grow. When he thinks he can’t move further, from there starts his end. As rightly said by Ayn Rand – A man is an end in himself. No one can destroy him nor can he destroy anyone. He is his own source of destruction (4).

Continuing further with money and power, I assume that power and money are materialisms of the same type in different forms. They are almost one and the same with the exception of the differences in their visibilities. It can simply be found that power creates money and money creates. Now it may not be the same always but it’s the taste of men that makes the two look the way they are. It is more of personal perceptions, and I perceive the two as the same materialisms.

Man has always loved heights – from where he can see all his fellow humans under him. He always wanted to be above others and never under anyone. Those who work below anyone are considered losers or at least the ones with less power and subsequently less money. All this continues to be the same and will continue to be in the future too. I believe that there is only one thing that puts a man above the other and that is more or less his thinking. This thinking may have some levels that determine man’s own personal level and standard in life.

Here I would also like to mention about the equality of right as I have already activated the topic of levels. There can be only one ground where rights may not be equal – the ground of sexes. Yes, men and women cannot have equal rights. But this never puts one above or below the other. It only means men and women have unequal rights in equal weightages. This is again a whole new topic and most of it is pointless to discuss as religion provides better explanations and understandings on it.

So finally I would like to state that maximum of the commitments we are making with education, jobs and similar facades, there is directly or indirectly only one purpose – to get money or/and power – the reason for this purpose can be man’s nature of some other need that may include people.

After having described my perceptions on these three I would like to make it clear that these are just the basic premise and apart from them there are few more like – humor, entertainment, food, style, fashion and several others that may be profoundly programmed (5) by ourselves.

Every time I do or say something I just ask one thing to myself – Am I correct? Am I deceiving myself? Am I on the wrong path? Is what I believe rational? I continue this by praying to my God that I find peace with myself by being glued to truths I have to live for. Every moment I spend in this world is but an execution of my moral ethical codes and I want them to pure and reasonable. I won’t forgive myself if I learn and teach anything that may destroy me.

My perception of my life belongs to me and is in no relation to what others perceive for themselves. The ideas may coincide but mine are independent of others and shall be effected only when I find them to be illogical or in any unintentional way, not in concord with my religion.


(1)  I sincerely hope that what ever       you find here will help you believe that God exists.
(2) As quoted by Ayn Rand
(3) Yes, I believe that though money can’t buy love, it can give a better bargain. I find it needless to write on some topics because that may just turn out to be shameless shots on the professionalism I am trying to present here. It is my perception though. And yes, it is just a quote I have read somewhere.
(4) These are not the exact words used by Ayn Rand. I just wanted to mention it here for explaining my points.
(5) I believe that we are responsible for everything we show, including our styles and fashions. It is taste we have opted for and we have a right to do it that way. But if needed this taste can well be changed i.e., programmed.

I would sincerely like to thank two people particularly – Dr. Zakir Naik and Ms. Ayn Rand. Mr. Naik because I did refer to some articles and books written by him, while writing on religion and also previously. Ms. Rand because I have learned a lot from what all I have read in her books – “The Fountainhead” and “The Virtue of Selfishness”. Though I haven’t read these books completely, I was fine enough to write a few things I have observed. I never mean to copy anything; I just found the right words from these books to describe my own ideologies.

And of course, the Book that guides me – The Holy Qur’an. I can’t even describe what all I have learnt from this Book. I thank Allah for giving this Book to the mankind.

posted by xubayr at 6:40:00 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Perfection and Self-Transformation: How Does it Work?
If you are not perfect and if you like hearing something like - “Perfection is such a costly idea well beyond the reach of the average human’s capacity and beyond every realistic sensation he can consume and stay stable”, then watch out I am coming after you.

I call this cost inflated, and every notion talking against the belief that flawlessness is not attainable, is speaking my language. It is but a myth that being perfect is impractical and has more of theory than reality. Now, keep this design aside. Let me say “it takes more than a lifetime to get in touch with absolute perfection”. I obviously understand this statement is clearly in contradiction to the above said bunch of just-sown-seeds. Allow me to take an indirect approach to what I intend to simplify, explain and elucidate to anyone who has ridiculed the initiative of being sagaciously realistic perfect with a dash of optimistic and heartily committed flexibility toward the life-picture surrounding his mental freedom.

As long as we know that whatever we know is the absolute truth and that there is no corollary beyond that belief’s working and energy, we are happy and satisfied for what we have known seems to be final. But the moment the next lungful of air says that there is more to it and we are ignorant of the incredibly forsaken facts and the real savoir faire, the peace of mind is destabilized and the uncomfortable desire to know the final is born. Not every person sees this kind of a psychological imbalance but those who like being satisfied and free of possible guilt do. The knowledge of being ignorant is fine but when someone says “I know that I do not know something”, the real fight begins.

And one such cognition we can nurture in our splendidly power-packed minds is that we can transform ourselves into whatever shape we want almost instinctively and in a blink. Here again I go in contrast to what many of us like to hear. When things like “I am happy whatever way I do things”, “why should I change myself?”, “Even if I want to change, I know it’s not easy and I won’t waste my time after it?” are said, all ears are caught attentive because these words sound sweet, and they directly touch our hearts. But the truth is that they simply put forth our mediocre nature openly. We all like being safe and love to see our lives in a ship encountering no rough seas.

When we honestly realize our need to become different from what we are, we create a new kind of energy inside our minds and this energy destabilizes our soul. It generates a new form of waves that immediately substantiate a root level change in the thinking area of our soul. This destabilization is for good because as long as it is there and it is growing we seek newer ways to fight it and reduce it, ultimately finding the right paths to take ourselves nearer to where we want to be. A change in our life is begotten only when this destabilization is encouraged and this in turn can happen when honest realizations are made.

A simple decision is all it takes - a very powerful and determined decision with cent-per-cent commitment. A resolution to mould our self into a new being, the way we want to be is required. Once decided half the work is done. But it’s not at all easy to get committed. For getting committed, inspiration and motivation are required and these are obtained only when success and progress in life are desired. And success and progress are desired only when endless satisfaction accompanied with happiness is sought. And of course for all this it is destabilization that helps – the call for more in life.

Once decided then comes the next step of becoming rigid and flexible to the present and real situations. This is because the change we ask for should be compatible with what exists in real life already. Becoming flexible includes accepting changes around us and not only around us but within us too. When the idea of changing is thought, it should never be taken that it is the other person who has to change to the situation, it should clearly be understood that change is mutual and change begets change.

Then is the process of learning self-existence and finding the area of self-existence. This is necessary and it makes us aware of the faults we have inside us – even the faults we ourselves are not au fait with. This takes a lot of effort on being honest and confident of our knowledge of ourselves. Critiquing ourselves, smiling at our own mistakes, admitting faults and allowing others to speak about us frankly helps us with this process and is as necessary as the whole mental work.

Once we know what we are and what we do, it can’t get more obvious that we need to work on the information we have obtained. The effort in correcting the mistakes is again lot dependent on the rigidity we can show in changing ourselves and all this is a state of mind and subsequently depends on the commitment we show towards the decision we have already made.

The above two steps can give enormous pleasure as the art of self-discovery is learnt and the growth of knowledge on our own behavior is very interesting. Constructive self- criticism is fascinating as it creates a world of enrichment of our soul. Once we are done with this, we are almost done with the change we want. If we still don’t see in us what we wanted to then it must only be that we have not made the right decisions at the initial point itself and there must be no doubt about that. Blaming others for not being able to help ourselves is just a blatant show of adolescent nature even grown-ups make.

It all starts with a choice we make. This choice is like a seed which grows into a big tree and gives fruits. It takes years and lots of nurturing and care. But we being humans always are different than any other creature that exists. Unlike the way we can’t change the tree that has already grown (science is advanced enough to induce required characteristics in the seeds and small plants but not in big trees), we definitely can change ourselves into whatever we desire to. It’s not a perspective you or I have, it’s just a state of mind and an effective decision made.

We all like to have a good image and want to make other people like us. But that requires a reason to make others like us. We need to become what others like without losing our own identity. It’s just in meeting people where they are. When we talk to small children we use simple language and even our tone of voice turns childish. It doesn’t means that we have become a child – we are just meeting that kid at a place where it is. When we talk to our equals, the same can be done. Of course ego has to be beaten here and again a decision is all it takes. It never means falling to a lower level from where we stand, it just means making that person comfortable or making him believe that he is or equal (if not above us).

Things change with time and history is evident of this fact. There were evolutions and revolutions but what made marks in the past 200 years are the revolutions because they have really made a difference to the way people live and die. The differences were socio-political and also in personal lives of people including their relationships with others. It might have taken decades to have these changes made of course and we can’t be patient enough to wait for all that to happen with time. We have to work out our lives for ourselves and keep moving spreading light rather than seeking light.

Revolutionalizing our lives is the need of the hour and again it is the decisions we take that make all the difference. We can’t wait for a life time to happen for ourselves to become perfect, all we have to do is to make many lifetimes happen in our single lifetime. It is all we have, a lot less than a century of life. And we live it cursing others for not being the way we want them to be, blaming others for what we couldn’t become or do in our lives. It’s so simple and easy to do all that. No one likes to take the burden of himself or herself, forget others. And we find clever ways of disdaining our true potential of being absolute perfects.

May be perfection is really not for humans. Why do we have that word then? To describe God? Well I don’t think so. The word ‘perfection’ exists so that we can achieve it and adore it; to strive for it and command it.

All this may well look philosophical and impractical, but as I have once written before, “it is for a man to convert theory into practice”. I won’t really override it here but I’d just add a few more words to it and say, “it is definitely only for a man of mental strength to convert logical and objectivistic theory into practice, and the one who does it, even a bit of it correctly, is perfect and has attained discipline and control in his life. If he has succeeded in getting along all this in combination with his religious fundamentals, then he is truly a man of marvel – a heroic being.”

For the above combination I have once used the word synergy. It means the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

I hope the message I had planned is conveyed!

© 2006 Zubair
posted by xubayr at 3:56:00 PM | Permalink | 6 comments

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