Daily you go home in the evening and listen your favorite song several times and continue doing this for several days. Then one fine day you don’t get to listen due to power failure. What do you do? You start humming that song to yourself and you are not even aware of what it is that makes you do it.
Far across the street you find your beloved one and you smile. Though that person is very far from you, you start smiling and also try to keep your head down not allowing him to see the gleam on your lips. The same happens to the other person too. What makes this happen?
You are driving your car and the truck in front of you stops suddenly. You apply the brakes spontaneously without any thoughts. What makes you perform this action with no thinking?
The basic root level object that differentiates a human from an animal, along with some secondary others, is our ability to use our brain, the mind, at our discretion; the boundless room designed for evolving the authority commanded by the self analysis over the internal and external lives of every fellow human being. This biological machine that resides within the hard protection of the skull is single handedly the most powerful ingredient for the formulation of every logic on which the civilized verve exists.
The human brain is virtually divided into two parts preferably called as levels. The larger part is the conscious mind and the other is the sub-conscious one. The sub-conscious mind resides inside the conscious mind. As the words themselves explain, the conscious mind works in lines with the way we want it to i.e., consciously, and the sub-conscious mind works without our knowledge. The functioning of the sub-conscious mind is similar to the reflexive actions performed by our body, but this level is programmed based on the continually repeating behavioral instances of the conscious mind.
The well known cliché, ‘practice makes a man perfect’, explains the tricky yet logical concept behind the controlled functioning of the sub-conscious mind. Lets take the example of an amateur basket ball player attempting to master the left-right-jump to throw the ball into the basket. After the initial knowledge of handling the ball, running and jumping, he takes a step by step approach toward the game for the required jump. At first he gives all his concentration to the placement of his feet on the ground, then next to the jump, and finally to the throw of the ball into the basket. He works on the technique fully aware of every move he makes. And he repeats the complete process several times. All this he does is consciously planned and executed. When he repeats this a multiple number of times, he gains expertise and perfection on this part of his game. And now, whenever he attempts a left-right-jump, he doesn’t gives even a small thought to the steps he is taking, he is much more concerned about the other moves in the game. This is all because he has repeated the steps so many times that the process has moved from his conscious mind into the sub-conscious mind. It is as simple as that!
The sub-conscious mind is a sort of sub-set of the conscious mind. Anything done repeatedly in the conscious mind, gets absorbed into the sub-conscious level.
The above elucidated example is just a small degree at which the sub-conscious level works. Right from the way we speak to the way we eat, every minute detail is explained at this level without any substantial knowledge to the larger and the more crude level of consciousness.
When we dream, it is the material in our sub-conscious level that gives us those visual scenes. When we speak, the words we use, the voice we speak with, and even the body language we sport is dependent on this level. The way we walk, see, hear, react, respond to stimulus, and even the way we think with our conscious mind has the base in the sub-conscious level of thinking and judgment.
This most important reason for us to be aware of the working of the sub-conscious mind is that it can be made to behave the way we want it to. Yes, I mean to say it can be programmed to receive the actions at our will. The only obligation being, maximum control over the conscious mind. As I have already explained, the functioning of the sub-conscious level is inherited from the conscious mind. So, it instantaneously becomes obvious that whatever we do consciously with repetition becomes a sub-conscious act.
To get to the root of how we can use this in our daily lives, lets take an example of a business man whose only desire is to make more money by wasting less time. He is business minded and has reasons and explanations to every act he performs. For better understanding, lets take this man to be near perfect. So now, what we have in his sub-conscious mind is only business. When we say that he is business minded, we mean to say that his sub-conscious level is business minded. When this man wakes up in the morning and sees the sunlight, the first question he asks himself is how he can use it to make more money. When he goes to the bathroom, he thinks of a new business he can create in bathroom accessories. When he eats his food he wants the best bread that would keep him energetic thorough out the day so that he can earn more. Everything he comes across on his way to his office makes him think only of one thing – how he can make more money out of it. If you are thinking that he is mad, then let me remind you that we have taken him to be a perfect business minded man.
His sub-conscious mind has been tuned in such a way that every tiny thing he does is in relation to his business-mindedness. There is only one ideology that controls his behavior with the external word; his thinking is always business oriented; his every action is defined by the idea of business. The concept of business is so deeply rooted into his sub-conscious level, that his complete consciousness works only on the principles dictated by the sub level. So we have a programming done here which gives us the definition for every action of a perfect business oriented personality.
How many of us don’t have dreams and desires to become a worthy person in life? None will raise their hands as we all want something out of our lives. So all we have to do is tune our sub-conscious mind in the right direction with perfect visions and goals. When these dreamt visions and goals are desired again and again, they get into our sub-conscious level and our consciousness behaves in accordance too these dreams. Whatever we do gets dependent on what we want out of ourselves. The way we think, work, speak, even the way we sleep gets in the direction of the instructions given out by the sub consciousness (remember the business man). So, when whatever we do speaks only of our desires, and whatever we do is just single mindedly oriented towards our goals, it becomes pretty easy for us to get closer to accomplishment of our dreams. Is this not what we want?
This all perception is just a realization of a human as a complex personality. Who knows we might well be having many more powers and senses yet to be recognized. Discovery is a never ending process existing since the time man came to this earth as an alien to it’s biosphere and started walking on it. Survival of the fittest is still the in - thing for those who really want extraordinary life on this biosphere. Success is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.